SideBar™ Extension Clip

SideBar™ Extension Clip


A simple way to extend your forms

This versatile clip from Steel Dog® allows you to easily add extra heights or secure job-built fillers to modular steel frame forms. Available in two sizes — for 1-1/2” lumber and 3/4” plywood. The clip holds itself in place when lumber is installed, or for additional security a wedge bolt can be installed.

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Patent# 11,002,027

SB 150 SB 075 comparison drawing.jpg


  • Add height to form panels

  • Secure job-built fillers


  • Latch onto top or side of panel

  • Fasten board with nails or screws


  • High-strength steel


  • Zinc plated

SB Jobsite Image.jpg


Form Extension Applications

The SB-150 and SB-075 both have a safe working load of 500lbs at the base of the clip and 150lbs at the top of the clip. When used as a form extension you can add up to 10” of wood without the use of a spreader cleat or “tie” on top. Recommended spacing for form extension use is 1 clip every 24”.

Custom Filler Applications

The maximum filler width should not exceed 12” without the aid of additional walering. To comply with the 1000psf rating of the Steel-Ply® form system, the SB-075 should be spaced at 12” on center.

A minimum filler width of 3.5” can be achieved by staggering the SideBar™.

(The SB-150 may also be used to make job-built filler by chamfering the lumber to accommodate a wedge bolt.)


Installation of this one-piece clip is very simple. At an angle, slide the SideBar onto the panel frame and tilt up to lock into position. Then nail or screw the clip to lumber or plywood using any of the available holes. The SideBar is designed hold itself in place once wood is installed, a wedge bolt can be added to keep the clip upright while fastening wood but is not necessary.

SB Sidebar Installation animation.png

Additional Information

Ordering Information

SB Steel Ply Stacking Clip Ordering info .jpg


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